Article Reviews

Goal Setting

Workplace Wellness – Maintaining Changes in Health Behaviors

The workplace is certainly the one place where m0st of our healthy habits are put to the test. Deadlines, meetings, ringing phones, overhead pages, and perpetual interruptions can derail even the greatest of plans. But the power of intention coupled with S.M.A.R.T (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic/relevant, and time bound) goals can keep us on target with healthy objectives in the midst of the most worrisome day. This article recalled the need for the power of intention in creating a blueprint for success that even allows us to address setbacks long before they occur. In working with my future client base, this information will be pivotal in not only designing, but also maintaining wellness objectives across the lifespan.

Here’s to your health,



Koslo, J. (2011). Workplace wellness – Maintaining changes in health behaviors. Retrieved August 4, 2013 from


Holistic Approaches to Heart Health: Stress Management

Stress, both good and bad, is a major factor in every facet of life. Learning to effectively manage stress can greatly reduce the incidences of cardiac damage. While it is a part of life, it does not have to control ones life negatively. By learning stressors, identifying health ways to manage stressors, having a positive outlook and seeking help when things get out of control, we can actually take better control over our stress reaction. Since stress negatively affects everyone at some in life, as a wellness professional I will need to help clients to proactively identify and seek out stress busters to restore balance to mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being,

Here’s to your health,



Hatcher, N. (2011). Holistic approaches to heart health: Stress management. Retrieved August 4, 2013 from


Fearless Meditation

The article touches on some fears and phobias many in the wellness arena have faced toward the practice of meditation. I chose this article because meditation I have never been consistently successful (or successfully consistent for that matter) with the practice. I think it has always been out of fear of doing something wrong, or at the least not doing anything right. This is a perspective I can share with my clients along with the great benefits of the practice, namely improvement physically, mentally, and behaviorally, to begin overcoming these baseless fears and embracing inner calm. 

Here’s to health your,



Henningsen, K. (2011). Fearless meditation. Retrieved August 3, 2013 from